PayXtract - Effortless Data Extraction from Any Document

Automate Document Processing & Free Up Your Team

Stop wasting time on manual data entry! PayXtract, our cloud document processing platform, uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to automatically extract data from various documents including invoices, agreements, forms, and contracts. This frees up your team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Unlock the Benefits of Automated Data Extraction

Increased Efficiency

Reduce manual data entry by up to 75%, maximizing team productivity

Improved Accuracy

Eliminate errors and ensure data consistency with automated extraction.

Faster Processing

Process large volumes of documents quickly, reducing turnaround times.

Enhanced Search

Easily search and retrieve documents based on extracted data for improved accessibility

Powerful Features for Streamlined Workflows

Invoice Data Extraction

Automate invoice processing by extracting key information automatically.

Contract Data Extraction

Capture critical data from contracts with ease

Customizable Fields

Design templates to capture specific data points from various document types.

Automatic Document Source

Our platform automatically identifies document sources for efficient processing.

Review & Approval

Review and approve extracted data for added control and accuracy.

Scalable Cloud-Based Solution

Pay-As-You-Go Model

Pay only for the data you extract, making it cost-effective for all businesses.

On-Demand Scalability

Easily scale processing capacity to meet changing document volumes.

No Additional Costs

No upfront hardware or software investment required. Simple setup with zero maintenance hassle.

Seamless Integration for a Connected Workflow

PayXtract integrates with your existing systems like DMS, ERP, and CRM, ensuring extracted data flows smoothly into your existing workflows for further processing and analysis.

How it works ?


Salient Features that make the solution dynamic, responsive & smart

Create Unlimited Templatessss

Create Unlimited Templates

No restrictions on the number of templates created. This helps organizations process a host of forms and documents, just set it once and keep hitting process everytime a new batch of docs are scanned.

Pay As You Go

No need to pay AMC, or subscribe to plans. You will only be charged for actual data extracted.

Pay As You Go
On-Cloud Solution

On-Cloud Solution

This plug & play tool is easy to setup and configure. Owing to it’s cloud hosting, there are no additional license or server costs involved.

Easy Integration

The data from this tool can be easily integrated with DMS Online, ERP, CRM, Electronic workflows or any other solution for further processing.

Easy Integration

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ page addresses common questions about document management systems (DMS) and how ShareDocs Enterpriser, with its unique features, can benefit your organization.

Absolutely! PayXtract is designed to revolutionize your invoice processing with automated invoice data extraction. Leveraging the power of cloud document processing, our platform utilizes advanced OCR technology to automatically extract key information from your invoices. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving your team valuable time and minimizing errors associated with manual processes.

While invoice data extraction is a core strength, PayXtract's capabilities extend far beyond invoices. Our platform functions as a comprehensive automated document processing platform designed for versatility. It can be configured to extract data from a wide range of documents, including agreements, forms, contracts, and more. This allows you to streamline your document processing across various departments within your organization.

Manual data entry is error-prone and can lead to inconsistencies in your data. PayXtract eliminates this risk by automating data extraction with cloud document processing. Our advanced algorithms ensure exceptional accuracy in capturing data from your documents, leading to improved data consistency and overall data quality. This translates to more reliable data for better decision-making across your business.

PayXtract is built for scalability to address the needs of high-volume document processing. Our robust cloud-based architecture allows you to process large volumes of documents quickly and efficiently. This translates to significantly faster turnaround times and improved processing speeds, even during peak periods. Say goodbye to document processing backlogs and experience a new level of efficiency.

By automatically extracting key data points from your documents during cloud document processing, PayXtract empowers you to search and retrieve them effortlessly. This extracted data becomes searchable criteria, allowing you to locate specific documents based on relevant information. Improved document searchability translates to faster retrieval times and increased productivity for your team.

Yes! PayXtract offers customizable fields to cater to your specific needs. You can design templates to capture specific data points from various document types, ensuring you extract the information most critical to your business processes. This level of customization ensures PayXtract adapts seamlessly to your unique document processing requirements, optimizing data extraction for maximum benefit.

PayXtract offers a well-balanced approach between automation and control. Our platform automates the extraction process within cloud document processing, but you can also implement a review and approval workflow if desired. This allows your team to review and approve extracted data for added control and to ensure the highest possible accuracy in your data.

PayXtract offers a cost-effective solution with a transparent pay-as-you-go model. This means you only pay for the data you extract through our cloud document processing platform, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. There are no upfront hardware or software costs, and the platform requires minimal setup and maintenance. PayXtract delivers exceptional value without breaking the bank.

Absolutely! PayXtract prioritizes seamless integration. Our platform integrates effortlessly with your existing business systems like DMS, ERP, and CRM. This ensures extracted data flows smoothly into your existing workflows for further processing and analysis. By eliminating the need for manual data transfer, PayXtract streamlines your overall document processing operations and maximizes efficiency.

We encourage you to visit our website for a detailed overview of PayXtract's features and functionalities. You can also contact us directly to schedule a demo and discuss how our cloud document processing platform can transform the way you handle document processing within your organization. Let PayXtract revolutionize your document processing tasks and experience the power of automated data extraction.

Ready to Automate Your Document Processing?

Contact ShareDocs Enterpriser today and discover how PayXtract can streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and boost productivity for your business!